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Theatrical group Japone Artists is pleased to announce a new member: drummer Seiya Kudo!

Seiya Kudo in action

We already had the pleasure to work with Seiya during our performance in Tokyo Japan, last December. He started playing the drums and percussion at the young age of 8 and began with a classical music study when he entered high school, after graduation he went to study at the University of North Texas. After his return to Japan, he has been performing all over Japan and worked on several commercials, TV dramas and movies.

*Seiya's Instagram :

Updated: Mar 21, 2023

Are we still on time to say Happy New Year? Watch our latest video on our YouTube channel where we share our wishes for 2023! Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our YouTube channel, we want to reach at least 100 subscribers this year. Thank you very much for your support!

The members who joined this episode are:

Utako Arakawa: Vocals/Soprano/Actress

Ayumi Matsuda: Recorder/Composer

Yusuke Morita: Bass player/Composer

Andries Tieleman: Assistant Manager

Francisca Hagen: Manager/Presenter

Japone Artists東京公演(12月15日)に新進気鋭の素晴らしいドラマー、工藤誠也くんが参加‼︎ ✨その並外れたパフォーマンスは、すでに世界に認められつつあります。この度のJapone舞台に新たなエキサイティングな刺激と化学反応、そしてクリエイションが期待され、ワクワクが止まりません‼︎🔥

A wonderful drummer Seiya Kudo will participate in Japone Artists' performance in Tokyo!! ︎His extraordinary performance has already recognized around the world.New exciting stimulation and creations are expected for this Japone show’s stage. The excitement does not stop!! 😆✨

「工藤誠也 Seiya Kudo 」

8歳よりドラムを始める。中学入学を機に本格的にクラシック音楽を学び始めるようになる。高校卒業後の夏渡米 University of North Texas で音楽学部生として学んでいる。現在は日本に一時帰国しており日本各地での演奏に加え、スペインのファッションブランドLOEWEをはじめ、CM、ドラマ、アニメ音楽等の演奏も行なっている。これまでに打楽器を川手艶子、小川裕雅、Daniel Crisp、Amy Xin Yin 、スネアドラムをPaul Rennick 、石川直、ジャズドラミングをSteve Barnes, インドのパーカッションをSriji Poovalur の各氏に師事。

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